Dhaneesh K.V.,
Post Doc Fellow

Hail from Koluvally, Kannur District of Kerala. Commenced research as fish breeding biologist especially clownfish along with live feed culture including phytoplankton and zooplankton. Later became a team member in carrying out the breeding & larval rearing of coral reef fish in low saline estuarine water and disseminating the simplified breeding technology to the local fishermen as their livelihood option. Subsequently started to work on monitoring the pollution status of coastal areas including island ecosystem and taxonomy of marine organisms with the help of molecular tools.

Research Interest
Fish breeding and larval rearing, environmental pollution monitoring, molecular taxonomy

Animal physiology, parasitism, genetics, aquaculture

Awards and fellowships
UGC - Kothari - Post Doctoral fellowship (University of Kerala), Ramasamy Padayatchiyar Endowment by Government of Tamil Nadu (for in recognition of academic performance in M. Phil.) and the Prof. V. K. Venugopalan Prize (for best publication in the Faculty of Marine Sciences, Annamalai University).

Recent publications
1. Aneesh Kumar KV, Sibi T Baby, Dhaneesh K.V., Hashim Manjebrayakath and Sudhakar M. (2018). A stranding record of dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima Owen, 1866) in Lakshadweep Archipelago, India. Thalassas (Accepted)

2. K. P. Apreshgi, K. V. Dhaneesh, Tresa Radhakrishnan and A. Biju Kumar (2016). DNA barcoding of fiddler crabs Uca annulipes and U. perplexa (Arthropoda, Ocypodidae) from the southwest coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 58 (1), pp 83-86.

(Full list in curriculum vitae)

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